EUR Metrics is developed as a support platform for analysis and decisionmaking on EUR performances on rankings, benchmarks and other strategic intelligence challenges.

EUR Metrics contains intelligence for EUR internal use. Only employees at EUR who have been granted access to the restricted pages of this dashboard wil be able to use the functionalities of this platform. Information and functionalities will only become visible after logging in using the ErAS authentication service. 

For issues or ideas for new functionalities, please contact Wilfred Mijnhardt:

You are currently logged in as EUR member, and have access to restricted pages.

This website contains an efficient web service to create (a set of) custom reports visualisations and webpresentations. In this way any user of this service is able to produce a special report for your convenience.

For example: You may want to select a specific ranking, or get an overview of the methodology. After you have selected the specific pages please select 'Update' for a web presentation of the selection.
If you want to print the selected report, please choose 'Print'. If you want to print the complete website, please choose 'Select all'.
By selecting 'Start presentation' a web based full screen presentation on the EUR Metrics dashboard will start in your browser.

Please note that any selection of reports / visualisations also creates a special (and stable) web-url, this url can be bookmarked for later re-use or shared with your peers. In this way any user of this service is able to produce a special report on the performance of EUR for your convenience.

The following table shows statistics of the current contents of the EUR Metrics ranking database.